Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An Evening With David Sedaris

Every year for the past five or six years or so, I've taken my mother and brother to see David Sedaris when he appears at UCLA.

Last Saturday night was his most recent visit, and he was in top form. He read about half a dozen stories over a period of two hours. They were all new except for one I had already read - a very funny story about his experiences flying to Europe, which you can read online here.

He always seems to include one gross-out story, this one about animals that commit suicide by hiding in the bushes by the side of the road and jumping into oncoming traffic at the last minute.

He's quit smoking and he no longer talks about being gay, and he didn't even mention living in France. I wonder if he's turning into a Republican.


Anonymous said...

Oooh Flee will have a jealousy!

fleedawgie said...

Oh hell naw! I has a HUGE jealousy!!!!!!! See how many exclaimation points I'm using?!!? It's to show how jealous and I. And then I'm even more jealous from all that jealousy I'm having. I've been trying to get tickets for that for years. Lucky sommmabiiiiiiiish.

fleedawgie said...

See, I'm so envious that I couldn't even form proper sentences.